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Injured While Walking on Spring Break in NY? You Have Rights

The Big Apple attracts more than 65 million tourists annually from all over the world. New York is a walking city, so if you’re here as a tourist, you’ll most likely see much of the city on foot. Unfortunately, the city is a chaotic place, and pedestrian injuries aren’t uncommon. Furthermore, when these injuries involve a vehicle from the road or a pedestrian knockdown, serious or even fatal, can occur. If you sustain a pedestrian […]

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Did You Name All Responsible Parties in Your NY Slip and Fall Claim?

In New York, it’s all too easy for negligence to lead to serious injuries. Especially in the winter, when the floors are wet, the sidewalks are icy, and the weather is against you. There are a lot of moving parts that need to coordinate in order to keep the city safe for everyone. Accidents happen, but everyone has the responsibility of making them easier to avoid. When you slip, fall, and injure yourself, sometimes it’s […]

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NY’s Wrongful Death Statute Almost Changed – Do You Know Why?

The American legal system has plenty of laws established more than a hundred years ago. These old laws usually remain on the books because they have been proven to work. Sometimes, though, old laws do need an update to remain relevant. That’s what New York lawmakers thought last year when they tried to change the state’s wrongful death statute. What a New York Wrongful Death Claim Looks Like Now Wrongful death lawsuits are designed to […]

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NYPD Pays $108 Million in Excessive Force and Other Misconduct Claims

Police departments are under heightened scrutiny these days, and oftentimes, it’s for good reason. There have been instances of inappropriate shootings, sexual misconduct, excessive force, dishonesty, and more. We can probably all think of at least one case locally in which an unarmed individual was shot and killed. Despite all of the bad publicity surrounding departments throughout the country, there is one department that takes the cake, and that’s the New York Police Department. Recent […]

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Time in Brooklyn’s MTA Bus Depot Likely Means Asbestos Exposure

Working is a necessary part of life and something we engage in almost every day. We trust our employers to adhere to health and safety standards and minimize the risks to our health. On the contrary, sometimes our workplaces pose the greatest threat to our health. Such was the terrifying reality for thousands of workers at one of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s (MTA) bus depots. What’s worse – MTA bus depots don’t only expose employees […]

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Your NYC Landlord Owes You a Warranty of Habitability

Residential laws and regulations cover a wide range of your rights as an NYC renter. Because there are so many specific rules, it’s difficult for the average renter to familiarize themselves with all of them. Instead, most of us are aware of the most important concepts and only become familiar with the details when the need arises. The problem is, sometimes it’s tough to even know the right questions to ask and/or demands to make. […]

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New York Pedestrian Accidents: Why Do They Occur?

New York seems perfectly conditioned for causing pedestrian accidents. Place thousands of motor vehicles and millions of pedestrians within roughly 31 square miles? Some accidents are inevitable. Still, every individual pedestrian accident is caused by something specific. Learning the causes of pedestrian accidents can help you avoid them and maybe prevent a tragedy. At the very least, you can minimize your liability in a pedestrian accident lawsuit. Reckless and Aggressive New York Drivers Can Make […]

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Injured by a Holiday Gift in NY? Get Compensation

Gifting is part of the holiday tradition for New York families. Both giving and receiving gifts from loved ones is a wonderful part of the season. Unfortunately, sometimes a product given as a gift does not function in the way that it should, which can result in serious injury. If you or a loved one are injured by a defective product, you may need to seek compensation for the injuries. This will not only lessen […]

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Sleet in the City Means Your Sidewalk Fall Could Be NYC’s Fault

New York is notorious for its wet winters. People slip and fall on snowy and icy surfaces all the time in this city. Much of the time, these falls are relatively harmless and don’t result in anything more than a bruise or a skinned knee. But what happens when a slip and fall accident causes a serious injury? When falls on slippery sidewalks occur because the owner of the property failed to clear the snow […]

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Decorating for the Holidays in New York? How to Avoid Injury

As soon as summer is over, it seems, folks start decorating for the holidays. Whether it’s for Christmas or Halloween, lights, yarn ornaments, and inflatables decorate our neighborhoods. While these decorations bring joy to many onlookers, you want to make sure their fun doesn’t equate to your pain! If you’re going to decorate for the holidays, be aware of the most common decorating snafus that lead to holiday injuries, and quick tips for avoiding them. […]

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