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How a Driver May Have Caused Your New York Motorcycle Accident

If you were recently in a motorcycle accident in New York, chances are high that another driver was responsible for the incident. Take a look at a few quick motorcycle crash stats: Nearly two-thirds of all motorcycle accidents are with other vehicles, usually cars. Accidents occur most frequently in intersections. In a typical accident scenario, the motorcycle driver has less than two seconds to make corrections to avoid a crash. Over 80 percent of all […]

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Hurt in a New Year’s Car Crash? What NYers Should Do

Were you ringing in the new year when you got injured in a car crash? Unfortunately, New Year’s accidents are common and you’re far from alone. The hours between 6:00 p.m. on Dec. 31 and 6:00 a.m. on Jan. 1 make up one of the most dangerous times to drive all year. New Year’s Eve auto accidents often involve alcohol or drug use, and raise the crash rate over 70 percent higher than a normal […]

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Holiday Food Poisoning Dangers All New Yorkers Should Know About

‘Tis the season for feasting with family and friends, but the feasting can lead to food poisoning if you aren’t careful. Here are some tried and true tips for staying healthy while you feast this holiday season. Know Your Food Poisoning Bugs and How They Work These are the most common microorganisms that can cause nasty upset in your gastrointestinal system: E-coli – Most commonly found from meat that hasn’t been cooked long enough. Campylobacter […]

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(Don’t) Let It Snow – How NY Winters Cause Slip and Falls

Snow tends to fall often and hard during New York winters. Because of this, you probably know that snow can lead to lots of accidents and injuries – especially slip and fall injuries. Below we’re going to go over some of the most common causes of winter slip and fall accidents in New York, and what you can do if you are injured. Dangerous Balcony and Stair Conditions Individual snowflakes are light and fluffy, but […]

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What New Yorkers Can Do to Combat Sexual Harassment

As the #MeToo movement spreads, new allegations of sexual misconduct and abuse seem to appear every day. High-profile men have been implicated, both nationally and right here in New York. Since the Harvey Weinstein story broke in early October, at least 46 powerful men have been accused, leading to various degrees of fallout. Here are just a few examples: Matt Lauer was fired from his position as anchor on NBC’s Today Charlie Rose, prominent journalist […]

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Know the Two Types of NYC Public Transportation Accident Lawsuits

On Sept. 18, three people were killed and 16 were injured when two buses crashed in Queens at around 6:00 am. One bus was a city bus, the other a tour bus. The city bus was driven by a long-term employee of the MTA. The city bus driver turned right and crashed with the tour bus. During the accident the buses spun, and authorities say that speed may have been a factor. The three victims […]

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How Far the MTA has Come–and How Far it Must Go

Are you one of the many New Yorkers fed up with the Metropolitan Transportation Authority? As fellow NYC denizens, we completely understand the feeling. You have many good reasons to be. However, since this is the season of thankfulness and forgiveness, we thought it worthwhile to take a look at how far the MTA has come since it was first created. Knowledgeable of their history, we can then more genuinely hold them accountable. After all, […]

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What You Need to Know about How NY Pharmaceutical Liability Works

  If you have been injured by a pharmaceutical drug, the search for the responsible party can be complicated. In this article, you’ll learn about the various types of pharmaceutical liability cases and how a knowledgeable attorney can help you.   About 50 percent of Americans take at least one prescription drug daily. With new drugs constantly entering the market, the risk of injury increases. If you are injured by a drug, it may be […]

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Don’t End Up in a New York Emergency Room This Thanksgiving

When you think of Thanksgiving, you probably envision turkey, pumpkin pie, and – of course – family. An emergency room is likely the last thing on your mind. Despite this, more people end up injured on Thanksgiving than you might realize. How can you keep yourself and your loved ones safe and sound? By learn about the most common ways New Yorkers get injured over the holiday. Slip and fall injuries Thanksgiving may be snowy, […]

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Your Rights in NYC When Weather Causes a Slip and Fall

Winter in New York City is beautiful, yet inclement weather can bring a higher risk of accidents. Rain, sleet, and snow frequently lead to slips and falls. Sometimes these falls are minor, but in other cases they can cause serious injury. When is a fall just an accident, and when can it be attributed to someone else’s negligence? Here are several ways to understand the difference. Winter Fall Injuries and How Liability Works In personal […]

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