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7 Stats about Police Brutality All New Yorkers Should Know

Though it has taken a backseat to the recent goings-on in and around the White House, police brutality has been a huge story over the past few years. Eric Garner. Sandra Bland. Philando Castile. These names made headlines and sparked emotional debates about the power of police and whether or not we live in a country that has moved beyond racism in the criminal justice system.   Often, families of victims have stories that contradict […]

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5 Injuries That Can Result from Falls in New York

    Most of the time, we don’t tend to think of falling down as something that is very serious. After all, everyone slips from time to time, right? The vast majority of the time, you can simply pick yourself up, dust off, and continue about your day. Not always, though. In fact, slip and falls are among the most common reasons for emergency room visits. Yes, the resulting injuries can be minor, but in […]

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Elevator and Escalator Accidents Are On the Rise

Every few months, a clip on the evening news or a story online shows footage of an elevator or escalator accident. These incidents are usually pretty scary, whether the elevator is randomly speeding up as it rises, or a malfunction causes people to pile up on the floor below. We ride escalators and elevators everywhere – in malls, airports, stadiums, and so on – and most of the time the possibility of an elevator or […]

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Why It’s Safer to Ride the Bus in New York City

As New Yorkers, we’re pretty lucky to have a public transportation system that can get us from Point A to Point B in a decent amount of time – no matter how far away in our city those points are. Compared to other cities around the country, more people here prefer to use public transportation to get around instead of a car, and for many different reasons. Let’s talk about buses specifically. Not only are […]

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What Does Trump Mean for NYC Workplace Accidents?

Our new President has promised a lot of notable changes. We know the big ones: immigration bans, building a wall across the United States-Mexico border, repealing Obamacare, and so on. While investigations of his ties with Russia and his accusations of wiretapping are making headlines, let’s focus on a lesser-known change that the current administration is trying to make regarding OSHA. Before we talk about the current administration, though, we need to go back to […]

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Customer Hits Spa Employee after Not Paying for Treatment

No matter how tough your job is, it’s safe to say your day wasn’t as bad as the spa employee in the below story. Unless, that is, you’ve ever been hit by a car while running after a customer who didn’t pay.   Here’s what happened. In late February, a customer at the Spa Castle in Queens received some services, then left the building without paying. A 21-year old employee ran after the woman in […]

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4 Typical Injuries That Occur in New York Car Crashes

When you drive through any borough in New York City, you are at risk of getting involved in one of the many car crashes that occur here every day.   If that’s not a sobering enough though, how about this? The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that more than three million people are injured each year in vehicle accidents across the United States.   Because of this, it is important to learn about the […]

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New Yorkers Need to Know about the Effects of Asbestos

You have most likely seen the commercials on television for people suffering from mesothelioma due to asbestos exposure. What exactly is asbestos, though? How and when can people be exposed? What are symptoms of exposure? What can you do about it if you are exposed?   Understanding What Asbestos Can Do to People   What Is Asbestos?   In the 1800s, asbestos was a celebrated substance. The naturally occurring mineral was not only fireproof, but […]

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What Happens If a Child Is Injured At School in New York?

All parents have had a moment of fear or apprehension when they first drop their child off at school: what if they get hurt? From violent playground bullies to school bus accidents, there are all kinds of ways for children to have a school injury – and since you can’t be there to prevent them or help your child, you have to rely on others to do so.   Sometimes, though, kids still get hurt, […]

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4 Tips to Avoid Motorcycle Injuries in New York

Want to hear a sobering statistic? A person on a motorcycle is 29 times more likely to be killed than someone in a car. With more cars on the road and higher rates of auto accidents, it is only getting more dangerous for bikers. Just a few weeks ago, at the tail-end of April, a 59-year-old man struck a rider from behind, knocking him off his bike, then drove off. Thankfully, the police caught him […]

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