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1 Dead, 22 Hurt: Tragedy a Reminder Pedestrians Must Be Careful

For New Yorkers, walking isn’t a choice – it’s something that’s part of living in our city. Most of the time, for most of us, it’s something that we don’t even think about. As recent events have reminded us, though, everyone who walks needs to start thinking about it a little bit more, and what they can do to make themselves as safe as possible.   You probably already know what we’re talking about. Recently […]

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Prescribed Fluoroquinolones? Talk to Your Doctor Immediately

If you need antibiotics, you probably aren’t at the point where you will turn down medicine. Antibiotics treat illnesses or infections like a UTI or strep throat – and no one is going to pass up an opportunity to get rid of those. However, before you head to the pharmacy, check out the type of antibiotic you have been prescribed. If you see the term “fluoroquinolone,” you might need to turn around and head right […]

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Spinal Surgery Case Continues in New York Despite Dropped Claims

Personal injury lawsuits are not resolved overnight. It can take months or even years for a case to be settled and for victims to see any sort of compensation for their injuries. During the process, the claims you originally filed could be altered, added, or dropped.   However, even if those things happen, it doesn’t mean that the case itself will end. That is exactly what is happening on a case currently going on in […]

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Medical Devices May Not Be Found Defective – Even If They Fail

Let’s say you get a Pacemaker, prosthetic, or another type of medical device from a doctor. These devices are responsible for helping you alleviate serious symptoms or pain, and in some cases even to help keep you alive. So what happens if they don’t work? You should be able to sue the company that made them, right? Companies have to make products that work in general, so the standard for hugely important medical devices has […]

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What Happens When Auto Accidents Become Fatal in New York?

When a particularly tragic auto accident occurs, we are all reminded of not only how quickly lives can be taken, but also how horrific a bad accident can really be. You may have seen this recent story on the news: two off-duty NYPD officers were driving in the Bronx when their car flipped multiple times off of a traffic circle and caught fire. Both the images from the crash and witness testimonies are absolutely tragic. […]

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Cops Use Pepper Spray and Flash Grenades on Inauguration Protesters

The weekend of the Inauguration was anything but quiet. While there were no arrests made during the worldwide Women’s March, Inauguration Day protests did not go quite as smoothly. You have probably seen videos of violence from both protesters and police. Throughout the afternoon, there were small pockets of protesters responsible for smashing the windows of large banks, and some protesters also reportedly threw rocks and bricks at officers. All told, over 200 people were […]

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There Are Serious Risks Attached to Testosterone Therapy

A dip in testosterone can have serious effects on a man’s personality. Testosterone affects other aspects of his behavior besides the obvious dip in sex drive. Men who have experienced low testosterone, known as “Low T,” may also experience low energy and desire in general. Because of this, many men turn to testosterone therapy in order to get themselves back on their feet. The only problem is, this testosterone therapy may cause more trouble than […]

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Why New Yorkers Should Take Slip and Falls Seriously

People slip and fall all the time, whether it’s because we trip over something, we’re running too fast, or we’re just plain clumsy. Because of this, we tend to think of falls as embarrassing accidents and not very serious.   In some cases, though, this is a big mistake. Some slip and falls can result in serious injuries that lead to high medical bills and time lost at work. Moreover, sometimes our “clumsiness” can be […]

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Ramarley Graham Wrongful Death Suit

Ramarley Graham, the black teen fatally shot by the NYPD in 2012, is in the news again. This time, there is controversy over the resignation of the cop who shot him. The family believes more action should have been taken against the cop. Up to now, the only recourse the family of Ramarley Graham received was a $3.9 million wrongful death settlement. So, what is wrongful death and how does one successfully file a suit? Wrongful […]

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How Assumption of Risk Complicates Sports Injury Cases

Between the March Madness and the beginning of baseball season, sports are on everyone’s mind. Still, as fun as sports are to play, the risk of injury is high. However, many people want to file personal injury lawsuits when they sustain injury while playing sports. Unfortunately, the assumption of risk complicates these cases. Assumption of Risk Assumption of risk, or assumed risk, describes situations where you intentionally agree to an activity that you know could lead to injury. An example of […]

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