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Workplace Violated OSHA and You Got Hurt? What You Can Do

Whether you work on a construction site, at a retail store, or you are stuck in a cubicle all day, you have probably seen posters with the name “OSHA” on them. You also may have had to skim through contracts or procedures at meetings about OSHA’s policies for safety in the workplace. Despite this, most people don’t give a whole lot of thought to OSHA. It’s just another workplace regulation that’s in the background. Beyond […]

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Why It’s a Risk to Drive on St. Patrick’s Day in New York

It’s not easy to get around New York City on St. Patrick’s Day. Even if you’re not anywhere near Manhattan, the sheer amount of people in the city on a popular bar-hopping holiday can make the subways congested, the roads unsafe – and the price of taxis or Ubers skyrocket. While surge charges for rideshare apps can make you choke on your drink, though, paying a few extra bucks for a ride is not the […]

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When is a Nursing Home Held Liable?

Nursing homes provide a safe place for elderly loved ones to enjoy their retirement under the care of professionals. But sometimes, nursing homes are not always as safe as they should be. When accidents and injuries occur in nursing homes, who does the legal responsibility fall on? Since injuries can arise from several different factors, liability can fall on a number of individuals. When is a Nursing Home Held Liable? Nursing homes owe to their […]

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Injured By a Holiday Present? It May Not Be Your Fault

Opening a gift from a loved one and discovering that they got you the thing that you wanted is a fantastic feeling. Unfortunately, that feeling can quickly shift to fear, pain, and anger if you get hurt using the dream gift in question. Which brings us to Cuisinart. If you’ve ever had to cook a big holiday meal, you know how useful food processors are. They slice the painstaking time it takes to chop, grate, […]

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Jury Says Smoker’s Lung Cancer Partially Caused by Asbestos

It’s no secret: smoking is not good for you. Countless studies have shown that even a few cigarettes a day can do serious damage to your lungs, teeth, and overall health.   In fact, wrongful death suits against tobacco companies have resulted in tens of millions of dollars for plaintiffs whose loved ones died due to their addiction to tobacco.   This very knowledge of tobacco’s danger, though, has created an awkward taboo surrounding smokers […]

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Psychiatric Drugs Are Supposed to Help Kids – But Often They Hurt

Having a child with a mental illness can seem like an endless maze with no way out. Most parents feel like they are completely over their heads. Because of this, they tend to defer to the experience and knowledge of the experts – the doctors and therapists who studied for years to treat these kinds of conditions.   Often, this means agreeing to medicate your child. Because it is what the doctor recommended. Unfortunately, psychiatric […]

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125,000 Children under 5 Die from Foodborne Illnesses Each Year

The change of seasons often means a change in our diet.   When we enter into the fall season (and especially over the holidays), it seems like all we are doing is eating or preparing to eat. We travel hours out of our way to visit an apple orchard or get hot apple cider, prepare a massive turkey for Thanksgiving, and bake cookies on top of cookies for holiday parties.   But there are risks […]

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Bronx Police Brutality Against Deborah Danner

On October 18, 2016, NYPD shot Deborah Danner, an elderly woman with mental disability, in her Bronx apartment. Police confronted the woman, who suffered from schizophrenia, and described her as “acting in an irrational manner”. After Danner wielded a baseball bat, Sergeant Hugh Barry fired two fatal shots into her torso. Public Advocate Letitia James and Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. called the shooting “unacceptable”.  Likewise, officials allege that because the woman was a known schizophrenic, officers should […]

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Common Construction Accidents in New York City

Construction is booming in New York City, which creates high demand for workers who can build faster and more efficiently. Unfortunately, this need tempts many construction companies to send out untrained or unskilled workers onto job sites. Consequently, the chances of a serious construction accident is higher. The rate of this practice is growing, reflected by the increasing number of construction accidents and deaths yearly. Between July 2014 and July 2015, 10 people died from […]

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train accident attorneys

The First Steps in the Aftermath of a Railroad or Train Accident

A railroad or train accident injury can happen to both passengers and workers alike, and can have devastating impacts for everyone. To receive compensation in order to recover, know your rights and who is liable for your injuries. Our train accident lawyers explain the basics of what you should know if you have experienced such a tragedy. The First Step The legal processes for train passengers and workers are different, due to various laws protecting each […]

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