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Should I File an Asbestos Claim in New York?

Should I File an Asbestos Claim in New York? When a worker contracts mesothelioma, asbestosis, or lung cancer from exposure to asbestos, monetary damages may be recovered should the worker choose to file a claim against the company, or companies, responsible for the exposure. That being said, asbestos cases are complicated. Hiring an attorney with experience with asbestos and mesothelioma cases will help to ensure that an appropriate award is  received. Why an Experienced Asbestos […]

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What Are the Signs of Nursing Home Neglect?

It can be heartbreaking to put your parents, grandparents, or other loved ones into a nursing home. However, if you cannot provide the care they need, a senior living facility may be your only option. If you find yourself in that situation, finding the right facility is a must. Searching for a place that fits your standards while also matching your budget is time-consuming and emotionally taxing. Finally finding the right place will come as a great […]

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6 Common Dental Malpractice Claims

Most of us don’t particularly like going to the dentist, but we trust that they know what they’re doing and will do a good job. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Just like anyone else, dentists can make mistakes. We’ve talked in previous posts about medical malpractice – an accident or incident caused by the negligence of a medical professional. Well, a related type of malpractice can occur at the dentist’s office. If your last […]

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How to Prevent Bicycle Accidents in New York City

Citizens of New York City depend on many modes of transportation to reach their destinations, bicycles being an extremely popular option. Unfortunately, while riding a bike in New York has many advantages, it also comes with some big safety risks. If you do decide to start cycling, patience and preparation are your best tools for staying safe on two wheels. Consider the following safety tips to prevent being a victim of a bicycle accident:   Be Aware […]

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Exploring the Complex Issue of Police Brutality in NYC

A police officer’s job comes with the responsibility to protect and serve communities and the people in them. People depend on police to enforce laws and resolve conflicts as best they can. In order to do this, law enforcement officials are given a wider range of power than most citizens. What happens, though, if this power is taken advantage of? Cases of police brutality have often led to false arrest, injury, and even wrongful death.     Recently, the New York Post reported […]

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Should Donald Trump Sue His Accusers For Libel?

Donald Trump wants to sue the women accusing him of sexual harassment. Specifically, he wants to sue them for libel and slander. This follows Trump’s strong history of threatening people with lawsuits. This time, about ten women have accused Trump of inappropriate touching. The accusations go back to the 1990’s.   These claims against Trump come at an extremely crucial time for the Trump campaign. Recently. Access Hollywood released a video, where Trump was caught […]

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Where do Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Stand on Tort Reform?

Tort reform is an important issue that usually comes up during Presidential elections. It refers to changes in the civil justice system that limits a person’s right to damages in a personal injury, medical malpractice or accident case. Tort reform can mean many things.  It can mean getting rid of jury trials, or curbing how much money is awarded to a person. There are many issues that tort reform raises, but the main issue is that it is bad for […]

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What Happens When Your Medication Causes More Damage?

One county in New York is taking a big stand against big pharma and dangerous medication.   Early in September, Suffolk County on Long Island filed County of Suffolk v. Purdue Pharma, a case that hopes to hold the manufacturers of painkillers like OxyContin and Percocet accountable for the way they marketed their products.   The suit claims that these drugs are marketed in a way that misleads medical professionals and patients alike. They are lead […]

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Long Island Railroad Accident Attorney

New Yorkers rely on trains for fast and easy service not just in the city, but also into the surrounding suburbs. The Metro North and Long Island Railroad, for example, provide travel service to students, workers, and families every day. When trains crash, injuries are possible and the safety of trains is uncertain. In these cases, an experienced Long Island Railroad accident attorney can ensure you receive full financial award. The Train Crash On Saturday, October […]

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Texting and Driving Accident Lawyer in New York City

Texting and driving is a real problem. In a society obsessed with technology, disconnecting is tougher than ever. This is true even in situations that deserve our attention the most, like driving. Distracted driving is illegal in New York State. If you were injured in an accident caused by a driver who was texting and driving, contact an auto accident lawyer to protect you. In New York, texting and driving is not the only form of distracted […]

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