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Product Liability when a Product has been Recalled

As a consumer, it’s important to know whether or not a product poses a threat to you and your family members, particularly small children. After all, it’s your role as a parent to protect them from harm, right? Not only is researching a company before buying its products important, keeping track of recalls is equally important. Keep track of recalls to keep yourself and your loved ones out of danger from shoddy merchandise, eating tainted […]

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High Chair Accidents: Who’s Responsible and Who Isn’t?

Anytime we hear of a trend regarding a particular type of injury, especially where children are concerned, we tune in and pay attention. And recently, high chair injuries have been making headlines. According to the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System, approximately 9,400 injuries directly related to children and high chairs are seen and treated in U.S. emergency rooms annually—that’s a 22% increase since 2003. The most common cause? Falling from the high chair. The most […]

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The Leading Causes of Bicycle Accidents and How to Avoid Them

Bicycling continues to soar in popularity. If you’re one of the growing number who has taken up the sport, you will enjoy improved health and wellness, the camaraderie of other cyclists, among numerous other benefits that are unique to each rider. Not to deter you from bicycling, but it’s important to be acutely aware of the hazards that all too often befall bicyclists when on the road. Cyclists are often at the mercy of vehicles […]

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Statins: Lifesaver or Moneymaker?

If you’ve been anywhere near a newspaper, the Internet, or the evening news, you’ve surely caught snippets of the heated debate over the recently published Guidelines on Lifestyle Management to Reduce Cardiovascular Risk. Published by the Journal of the American College of Cardiology and backed by the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology, the guidelines come with a highly controversial risk calculator. Harvard University cardiologist Dr. John Abramson says, “… overtreatment [has] […]

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Five of the Worst Industrial Accidents in American History

After the horrific collapse of a Bangladesh clothing factory last spring that left more than 900 workers dead or missing, the world was appalled. Because major American retailers such as Wal-Mart used the factory to produce their products, it prompted an outcry against American consumerism. We were confronted by our reliance on foreign workers, who we exploit. These workers are paid so little that it constitutes modern slave labor. But, while the treatment of foreign […]

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Are You Wanted? A Proactive Approach To Active Arrest Warrants

Imagine getting pulled over for a routine traffic stop, only to find out that you have outstanding warrants against you. Something as simple as missing a court date, or failing to pay a traffic ticket, can result in a warrant. If you aren’t informed about this, it can hang over your head and strike when you least expect it. Taking a proactive approach will help you determine first, if any warrants exist, and second, help […]

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“Boogie Down Rides” for Cyclists’ Safety

“Boogie Down Rides” for Safety Bronx Cyclists are hoping to draw attention to bicycling during the month of May. Artists, students, business-people, lawyers, doctors, families, and others who enjoy biking in the Bronx have come together to organize. They put together a series of events called the “Boogie Down Rides”. The goal of the events is twofold. Firstly, they aim to highlight the vast number of people who ride bikes in the Bronx.  Secondly and more […]

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Brooklyn Construction Accident Leaves One Dead, Three Injured

A Brooklyn accident claimed the life of a 25-year-old construction worker earlier this month. This accident also injured three of his co-workers. The accident occurred when the second story flooring of a private home that the men were remodeling collapsed. Brooklyn resident Santos Garcia was standing on the flooring when it gave way. When emergency personnel arrived on the scene of the accident, Garcia was unresponsive. The other three workers were injured in the accident […]

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Five Questions to Ask Your Personal Injury Lawyer

A Bronx, New York driver’s life was wrecked when a vehicle crossed a double yellow line in front of his car. He won $8 million to compensate for a debilitating brain injury. While money cannot give him back his past life, it can make the difference between financial hardship and future financial security. Enter the Bronx personal injury lawyer. If you are injured, this legal expert negotiates with the insurance company to reach a fair […]

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