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Secondary Asbestos Exposure in NY

Asbestos exposure is a serious health concern that not only affects workers directly exposed to asbestos-containing materials but also poses risks to their family members through secondary exposure. Secondary asbestos exposure occurs when individuals come into contact with asbestos fibers brought home on the clothing, skin, or hair of workers who have been exposed to asbestos on the job. In this blog, we will explore the risks of secondary asbestos exposure faced by family members […]

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As Asbestos Makes Comeback, a Reminder of Why It’s So Dangerous

In Russia, the city of Asbest is built around the largest asbestos-producing mine in the world. Nearly all of the town’s residents work in the mine, and oncologists in the tiny town see about 40-50 cancer patients per day, nearly all of whom are suffering from asbestos-related ailments. Interestingly, the mining company, Uralasbest, recently released boxes of product printed with Donald Trump’s face, stating on social media that “Donald is on our side!” Why? Well, […]

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New Yorkers Can Sue for These Types of Damages Due to Asbestos

It was only a few decades ago that people everywhere were singing the praises of asbestos. After all, it was naturally occurring, strong, a good insulator, and resistant to heat. Because of this, asbestos was used just about everywhere – in pipe wrappings, roof coatings, for brake pads, and more. There was particularly heavy use in building construction. Now, of course, we know better. When dust from asbestos gets into our lungs, it can cause […]

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Beyond Insulation: Where to Look for Asbestos in New York Homes

Most people know that they should make sure their insulation doesn’t contain asbestos. However, this dangerous material can also be found in other common household items and materials. Here are some of the most common places the material can be found in homes, and what you can do if you think you have been affected by asbestos. Places in Your House to Look Out for Asbestos Pipe Coverings Blankets or tape around ducts for boilers, […]

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New Yorkers Need to Know about the Effects of Asbestos

You have most likely seen the commercials on television for people suffering from mesothelioma due to asbestos exposure. What exactly is asbestos, though? How and when can people be exposed? What are symptoms of exposure? What can you do about it if you are exposed?   Understanding What Asbestos Can Do to People   What Is Asbestos?   In the 1800s, asbestos was a celebrated substance. The naturally occurring mineral was not only fireproof, but […]

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Jury Says Smoker’s Lung Cancer Partially Caused by Asbestos

It’s no secret: smoking is not good for you. Countless studies have shown that even a few cigarettes a day can do serious damage to your lungs, teeth, and overall health.   In fact, wrongful death suits against tobacco companies have resulted in tens of millions of dollars for plaintiffs whose loved ones died due to their addiction to tobacco.   This very knowledge of tobacco’s danger, though, has created an awkward taboo surrounding smokers […]

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