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Prescription Errors: Holding Pharmacists Accountable in New York

Prescription errors can have serious consequences for patients, ranging from adverse reactions to life-threatening complications. When pharmacists make mistakes such as dispensing the wrong medication or dosage, it can lead to significant harm and legal implications. In New York, patients have legal recourse to hold pharmacists accountable for prescription errors. This blog explores the consequences of prescription errors, legal avenues for victims in New York, and the importance of seeking guidance from experienced personal injury […]

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Off-Label Drug Use: Legal Implications in New York

In the world of medicine, drugs are prescribed to treat a specific set of conditions, as determined by rigorous clinical trials and regulatory approval processes. However, a common but often misunderstood practice in healthcare is off-label drug use. This practice involves using a medication to treat conditions or in ways not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). While off-label drug use can sometimes be beneficial, it carries significant legal implications, especially in […]

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New York Pharmacy Errors: Why Do They Happen?

Imagine you go for a refill of your anxiety medication. You know that pills are usually white, so it’s odd when your pharmacist instead gives you pills that are blue. Being a layman, though, you don’t question it. You make the rational assumption that the pharmacist – as an experienced professional – knows what they’re doing. However, after using it you experience no benefit. You turn to your doctor, who tells you that you’ve been […]

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Pharmacy Injuries: How a New York Pharmacist Can Be Negligent

Dispensing medication is a complicated profession, and errors can have devastating effects. Yet a quiet epidemic unfolds in pharmacies in New York and around the country. Nearly every prescribed medicine on the market has a laundry list of side effects. Patients rely on their medications to survive, and in some cases missing a single dose could prove fatal. Alternatively, the wrong prescription could interact adversely with another medication the patient is taking, or result in […]

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Pradaxa Latest Drug to Cost Manufacturer after Liability Suit

Pharmaceuticals are essential for keeping many people healthy and alive. Unfortunately, when the manufacturer fails to warn patients about the risks associated with the drug they are taking, injuries or death may result. That’s exactly what happened with Pradaxa. In this post, we’re going to detail the issue with that particular drug, cover the case against it, and discuss how pharmaceutical liability works. If you have been harmed by any pharmaceutical drug due to negligence, […]

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Pharmacist Errors are a Form of Medical Malpractice in New York  

Did you know that up to 10% of all prescriptions are filed in error?   Patients don’t always see or understand what happens behind the counter at a pharmacy, but we trust the people behind the counter to bring us the prescriptions that were written by our doctor.   This makes sense. After all, pharmacists go to school for a number of years to understand what medicines and dosage you need in order to get […]

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How Opioid Injury Lawsuits Work in New York

Major manufacturers of opioids are facing class action suits across the country and here in New York. The claims say that several major manufacturers were negligent and deceptive in their marketing and distribution of opioids. Manufacturers knew the drugs were unsafe and misrepresented the risks. Among the claimants are the states of New Mexico and Michigan, as well as the Navajo Nation in New Mexico, as American Indians have disproportionately experienced many detrimental effects of […]

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Who Can Be Held Liable in NY for a Prescription Drug Injury?

There are a number of ways that you can be harmed by a prescription drug. That’s because there are also a number of different parties whose negligent acts can potentially cause your injuries. Right now, a group of individuals from Nevada are suing the manufacturers and distributors of Abilify, saying that they were not warned about some of the drug’s side effects. The plaintiffs allege that the drug can trigger compulsive gambling. They say Abilify’s […]

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What You Need to Know about How NY Pharmaceutical Liability Works

  If you have been injured by a pharmaceutical drug, the search for the responsible party can be complicated. In this article, you’ll learn about the various types of pharmaceutical liability cases and how a knowledgeable attorney can help you.   About 50 percent of Americans take at least one prescription drug daily. With new drugs constantly entering the market, the risk of injury increases. If you are injured by a drug, it may be […]

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New Yorkers Injured by Zofran Can Join a Class Action Lawsuit

When we have an ailment, we often turn to prescription medication to alleviate or cure our symptoms. Unfortunately, those prescription medications can sometimes cause other symptoms, ailments, and issues.   One of the most common complaints about early pregnancy is morning sickness. According to the American Pregnancy Association, more than half of pregnant women experience morning sickness – nausea and vomiting caused by an increase in the body’s hormones – during the first trimester of […]

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