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Injured Your Legs in an Accident?

Our Experienced Personal Injury Attorneys Explain Some Important Facts You Need To Know If You Hurt Your Leg In An Accident

A leg injury can be caused in many different ways, including blunt force, twisting or crush type injuries.  These types of forces are usually present in pedestrian knock down accidents, as well as many different types of premises liability accidents.    Regardless of how the accident happens, here are some basic things you should know about injuries to the bones of the leg.

The Anatomy of a Healthy Leg

Our legs support our whole body while walking and moving.   The femur, or thigh bone of the leg, is the largest and strongest bone in the entire body.  The femur is supported by the bones of the lower leg, foot and ankle.   Fractures of the leg, especially the femur, usually require a significant trauma.

The upper leg spans from the hip to the knee, the length of the femur. The hamstrings and the quadriceps are the two muscle groups of the upper leg. The hamstrings are a set of three muscles that are located at the back of the upper leg, while the quadriceps are a set of four muscles at the front of the leg.  The upper leg and lower leg are connected at the knee joint. The tibia and the fibula are the two bones which comprise the lower leg, along with 13 muscles. There are posterior, anterior and lateral muscles here, each with their own functions to help flex the toes, climb stairs and jump. Finally, the Achilles tendon connects the calf muscles to the heel of the foot.

Common Leg Injuries Caused by Accidents

There are many different types of leg injuries, including fractures, dislocations, sprains and lacerations. Fractures of the leg can occur at any point along the bones of the leg.  Fractures that extend into the knee jointankle joint or hip are usually more difficult to medically manage, and often result in decreases in the range of motion of the affected joint.

Treatments for Your Leg Injury

Leg injuries can be disabling for a long period of time. A fractured femur, for example, can take months to heal, during which time the patient is usually immobilized with a  large and uncomfortable cast.  Sometimes it is necessary to put the broken pieces of bone back together with wire, metal and screws.  This operation is called an open reduction and internal fixation procedure.  The open reduction and internal fixation procedure is an invasive procedure and requires extensive physical therapy once the fracture heals. | Ask Questions – Get Answers

If you have any questions concerning your leg injury caused by an accident, contact our experienced accident attorneys for more information by calling (800) 762-9300.  You can also get started by simply filling out one of our case intake forms, and we will have one of our attorneys get right back to you.

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