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In May of 2017, the New York City Comptroller released a report on the safety inspections on subway escalators for the New York subway system. The results were not pretty. Many of them had significant defects that required a shutdown of the escalator until it was repaired. Every year, about 10,000 people become injured in an escalator accident. Many of them are children. This is fewer than the 12,000 people who die in staircase falls every year. However, escalators have their own particular risks and carry much more danger compared to elevators. If you experienced an injury due to a malfunctioning escalator, contact our personal injury attorneys today.
There are two main ways that escalators injure riders. The first is that they cause the rider to fall down or off. The second is by trapping the rider. Most injuries are due to the first cause, though the second gets a lot of press due to the severe trauma it can cause. Partial or complete loss of body parts is not uncommon in entrapment cases.
The majority of people inured on escalators are young children and the elderly. Some of the safety defects to look out for are:
If you become injured in an escalator accident, you need to speak with a personal injury attorney as soon as possible. Escalator owners must maintain their equipment and cover the costs of those who become injured in these accidents. Don’t feel that you can’t sue if the City owns the escalator. We have been able to secure significant financial compensation for people injured in subway escalator accidents.
If you live in New York City and you need personal injury representation, call our experienced personal injury attorneys today at (718)364-4000 or use our case intake form. Time is of the essence.